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Stella & SMA

Our very first #alumnilove event was one that is near and dear to my heart. Stella Bartlett is one of my son Ethan's best friends. Stella is like any other 7, soon to be 8, year old. She is loving grade 2, making new friends and learning all kinds of new things from her amazing teachers. She can't get enough music, Roblox, Minecraft, Seven Super Girls, and Little Kelly. She loves her brother, mom, dad, and this year received her assistance dog from Canine Companions in Ohio, Camper.


Stella has Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Type 2.


SMA destroys the nerves that control voluntary movement like crawling, walking,

head and neck control and even swallowing.SMA is the #1 genetic killer of

children under the age 2.


1 in 6000 babies is born with SMA.


50% of the children diagnosed before the age 2, will die before their 2nd


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